Friday, December 4, 2009


Now, while I don't do a lot with photos, I love Youtube. I would LOVE to make a video about teens in the library!

I also do origami for pleasure and as part of my job as the "craftsy librarian". In fact, I'm going to make some snowflakes, later today, using this video as my instructions/

Using Photo hosting sites, posting images to the Blog

I'm very familiar with Flickr and Picasa, using them fairly extensively at home, but have not used them much for the library. I created this little "avatar" for myself that goes on our Teen Blog.

I do wish I posted more pics of teen events. I know they're popular when I do post; my real problem is that pictures don't fascinate me... I'm a textual person. I have to remind myself of the "worth a thousand words" every so often.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I had looked at, and briefly used, delicious, years ago, but I never put it to real use. I'm not sure why. I like having my bookmarks available multiple places, as I do use several different computers at home and at work, but I am sort of afraid to mix the two. My work interests and my personal interests are so different that they don't overlap a whole lot...

Anyway, I'll give delicious another go-round, and try to tap more into the social aspects of it.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Method 4 - RSS

I've been using blogger as my RSS reader for a couple of years now. I have a real fondness for RSS. It makes keeping up to date so much simpler.

What I really need to do is figure out a way to add an RSS feed link to my teenscene weblog. I keep meaning to make the time to do it, but haven't yet. Anyone know how hard this is to do?

Some of my favorite feeds? LISnews, Unshelved, Readergirlz. The library-related ones, anyway. I also read a lot of science and skeptic's site feeds, but that's personal interest...

Oops, time to open the building... gotta go!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Method 3 - cloud computing

Hmmm.... cloud computing sounds wonderful, but I do have privacy concerns.

I also have concerns with Library patrons and cloud computing; we work a lot with people who have very low computer/internet comprehension levels. They have desperate problems remembering from week to week how to sign on to their e-mail, how to navigate to their chat or discussion groups, etc...

I can just see me trying to explain that "you are saving this somewhere magical, that really doesn't exist, but it is private, and you'll be able to get to it anywhere, but nobody else will." And then explaining "you have to have yet another account for this".

I don't think I'm ready for Google Apps in the library! As an option for the web-savvy, sure, but NOT for the guy who just needs a half-decent simple resume in 15 minutes.

I DO think that cloud apps have REAL potential for the web-savvy person who travels a lot, uses computers in multiple locations, or for the group that co-authors documents. So far, I have used Google Docs in a way similar to a wiki and for editing articles.

I've used online whiteboards for simultaneous brainstorming/editing sessions with friends, and found that to be very fun and effective.(Scrble and Dabbleboard were the two we tried; I think Scrble was slightly our favorite but we found both to be useful). Again, the ability to save and retrieve materials from session to session was very useful.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

computer classes

Ugh, I just started a long rant about Word 2007 (I teach computer classes at my library, and this was my first day of class having to use the new software). I guess I'm an old fogey - I found it very hard to teach! I kept trying to revert back to what I expected in 2000 and 2003. When I found myself arguing in circles, however, I thought I'd best just delete the whole post...

So, what did I learn? It can be harder UNlearning what you know, than learning new things. Overcoming expectations is hard. I'm not particularly a technophile, but I do like my computer a lot (and my mac at home even more). I just have to be careful not to think I have learned all I can.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Methods 1 & 2

Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

Hmmm.... I'm somewhere close to 2.o already, having tried (and decided I didn't care for) 2nd life, having 2 wikis of my own that I use daily, and maintaining both a blog and a facebook page for the Library.

I enjoy maintaining my wikis, and they've done well for me outside the library. We did have a staff wiki, but unfortunately a combination of lack of motivation to use it on the staff's side, and a change in policy by our city IT department, led to its abandonment.

I have hopes that in the future I'll be able to re-establish the wiki, as our staff grow more comfortable with the idea of such technology.

Right now, my next dream is to have a way for library patrons to interact with library materials online; posting reviews, tagging books and other library materials, etc... I know such tools are available, and we've looked into a few, but we're in the process of considering an upgrade from our current (outdated) library automation system. It wouldn't do to spend funds on a system or product that won't work in a year or three. So of course, we wait...

We do a few borderline 2.o things for our patrons now - we just started notifying patrons of holds and overdues by email this year. We do have the teen weblog, and the facebook page.