Friday, December 4, 2009


Now, while I don't do a lot with photos, I love Youtube. I would LOVE to make a video about teens in the library!

I also do origami for pleasure and as part of my job as the "craftsy librarian". In fact, I'm going to make some snowflakes, later today, using this video as my instructions/

Using Photo hosting sites, posting images to the Blog

I'm very familiar with Flickr and Picasa, using them fairly extensively at home, but have not used them much for the library. I created this little "avatar" for myself that goes on our Teen Blog.

I do wish I posted more pics of teen events. I know they're popular when I do post; my real problem is that pictures don't fascinate me... I'm a textual person. I have to remind myself of the "worth a thousand words" every so often.